Wednesday 19 March 2014

Bear Cycle;

Bear Walk Cycle: AE

I firstly opened up Photoshop and imported the image and made sure all the body parts were labelled. In After Effects I imported the image and then altered the position of the anchor points on the different body parts of the bear. For example, I changed the anchor point from the centre of the arm to the top of the bear's shoulder. After I had done this to every essential body part I parented the body parts. After this I used a tool in AE called 'Puppet Pins'. This allowed me to add pins to any part of the bear. I then selected the body of the bear and moved it up ever so slightly. This was done s that when the bear walked the body would move up. After that I began to try to animate the head and other body parts. I used key frames, position and rotation to make the bear move. The process was time consuming and complicated at times but was good fun to have a first go at AE animation.

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