Friday 2 May 2014

Inspiration: Stop Motion

For my project I think i am going to try to do something that involves existing objects. I have looked on Youtube for some videos that I like and give me some inspiration. 


Stop motion also known as stop frame is an animation technique which makes a physical object appear to move on its own. The object is moved very slightly and a photo is shot. This creates the illusion of movement when the frames are played back in a continuous sequence. Dolls are often used as they have moveable limbs. But not all stop motion animation uses dolls or figures, many stop motion films can involve humans, household items and other objects.

I am going to use the technique of stop motion for my animation. Stop motion is taking a series of many photos and then playing them back quickly. This will then seem as the objects are moving. This will be difficult to get correct and will take some trail and error. 

Equipment required:

I will require a DSLR camera which I will need to change the settings on so that it will capture my shots correctly. I will also need a background and props for the film. For example, the same background image or same place. I will also need a tripod which can move on a ball joint. This will make it easier to shoot the shots. I could connect my laptop to the camera via Canons EOS utility software to see what my camera will be shooting. After the shots have been shot i will need some software to finalise the production. Such as AE Premier or After Effects. 

I think i am going to work alone. My reason for this is that I don't want to be waiting for others who don't want to work efficiently or correctly. I am not afraid of starting over if things dont go right first time and am not afraid of doing all the necessary paperwork documents on my own. 

I want to use a table for my animation as it will be easy for my objects to sit on and move slightly. I also want the canvas to look colourful and bright when taken into Premier ect. I want to use bold lines and bright colours. I am going to create an example frame of how I want the frames to look. 

At the beginning of the production the pencils and other stationary will escape from the pencil case. They are travelling to the shop that they were bought from so that they can unite with all the other stationary. The animation will show them moving out and getting back to their original home. 

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