Thursday 3 April 2014

Story and Storyboards:

The animation features a group of teenage boys who travel home from school and get off the school bus to one of the boys homes. When they arrive home the show will properly begin. The series episodes will properly begin when the teens are back at one of the friends houses. The opening will be them coming home from school and the actors voices will appear on screen ect. Each episode will be 7 minutes in length and there will be 5 series of the show. There will be 5 episodes in each series of the show.  

Episode 1:
The gang go to friend George's home and all go up to George's bedroom to study history. Wally can never concentrate and is playing with George's things. He starts playing with a world globe that Is made from glass. He begins to spin it and the others try to get on with their work but Wally is fooling around. He ends up smashing the globe by spinning t too fast and it falls onto the floor. The friends are angry with Wally but they all try to resolve the problem together.

Episode 2:
Another tiring day at school is over and the team end up at Spikes house. His mum makes him take the dog out when he returns home every night.  So the team set off out to the local park. They wander about and decide to go on the swings ect. But who is going to hold the dog? She will be alright they said. The dog sat their as the lads played. But after a few swings the dog had vanished. The lads searched high and low for the dog but no luck. The gang come together to decide what to do and figure out how to get the family dog back.

Episode 3:
In this episode the lads go on a school trip to a history museum. They are not a huge fan of the subject but they like to go and see things. The other pupils are hugely interested but the four lads are not really bothered. They slip away from the group and find themselves on the 15th floor in a Victorian village exhibit. They have no idea where they are but they all need to come together and figure out how to get back to the others.

Episode 4:
In this episode the lads go round to Harvey's home. His mother is very strict on him and he isn't allowed out to the park before he has completed his school work. The others tell him it will be ok but he says no. They suggest sneaky out without his mum seeing them. How will they do this?

Episode 5:
To round off the first series of the show the boys venture to Wally's house for the end of term. They speedily do their homework and venture off out to the local town. As they near the shops they spot a fancy swiss watch under a bench, They look at it ...Amazed at what they have found. What will the boys do with their treasure? Do they do the right thing?

Episode Storyboards:

The opening scene sequence:

The opening credit Scene:

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