Sunday 21 June 2015



When editing the  clips were enhanced using the programs filters. This then enhanced the look of the clips to look better on screen. 

Examples below: 


The soundtrack was from a royalty free website named free There other sounds included in the production are also from the same website.

Sounds such as:
Pen clicks

Rough Cut Review:

Overall i am happy with my rough cut. It has some interesting moments in it and i have used some unusual stationary in the clips. The process of creating the clips was trickier than anticipated but the end result is looking good. Things i will add include more clips and some scenarios. Such as rainy falling from the sky using paper clips. Also a track of music to go over the top to finish off. I have currently happy i chose to create a stop motion animation. 

Risk Assessment:

Thursday 26 June 2014

Asset Sheet:

Above is a asset sheet that I have made to show what types of stationary I have used and in what scene. It is useful to see where each piece of stationary was used in the production. It is an easy guide to see what is needed for the shots. 

Call Sheet:

The image above is a call sheet. It shows important information about who is involved in the animation and contact information. As I am the only person working on the production I have only mentioned myself. It also shows information of when I eat breakfast and take time for a break to eat lunch. The sheet also shows what needs to be done every lesson and where the process should take place.